The Faro Conservancy Project

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The Great Fight

A Paradise under Attack

Stefano returns from his Conservation Trip:
“I put on my sunglasses in order to hide my tears. This is indeed a “paradise under attack” and I’m left with a question: Who is going to protect this paradise so that it continues to exist? We all return to the heart of civilization as it were. And yet it’s there, so far removed from the earth’s wild places, that almost no one gives a damn about the survival or disappearance of wild animals at all. The blindness is collective because the gaze is human-centric; I don’t blame them; I’ve just woken up myself…”

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The Great Fight

The 3 Wildlife Conservation Pillars

The Protected Areas (PA) across Northern Cameroon are threatened by several illegal and environmentally damaging practices: cross-border cattle ranching, unauthorized cutting of trees, poaching, gold mining, illegal fishing, and incursive cross-border agriculture.
These conflicts of use and other harmful activities pose immediate threats to biodiversity, interconnected & interdependent ecosystems, and human security…

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Protect the last Wild Lions
The Great Fight
Wildlife & People